Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Post

Well, this is my first posting as the cat is mostly out of the bag. My husband and I are expecting our first child in December of this year! I also can fess up to the fact that I am a cloth diaper addict and I don't even have a child yet to diaper. I started researching cloth diapers when we decided that we were possibly ready to start a family. I have since purchased 12 size 0 Kissaluv fitted, 4 covers, 1 OS Happy Heiny, 1 OS Bumgenius, and 1 OS Fuzzi Bunz. I then added a couple weeks later 1 Applecheeks size 1 and 1 Fuzzi Bunz size xsmall. I am also now waiting on 4 Fuzzi Bunz (size small and medium) and another size 1 Applecheeks. I can not wait till we can get started using them. I have also purchased Allen's detergent to wash our diapers (which I have started doing the prewashing) and maple sugar design wet bags...they have a nice snap handle to go on a towel rack.

I am already planning my diaper stash so that I have some of each but not too many so that if we don't like them or they don't work for us it is not a complete waste of money. I am think I will get some Berry Plush AIO, Dream Eze, Organic AIO Bumgenius, and more of the Applecheeks, Fuzzi Bunz, and Bumgenius.

I am looking forward to this new part of our life...I am sure I will keep you posted!