"I could bore you with facts about the waste produced by disposable diapers, the chemicals they contain (same chemicals outlawed in tampons), the raw resources involved to make the diapers, and even the fishy tactics used by the big disposable companies to keep parents buying them.
Without mass media exposure, something the mom run diaper businesses simply cannot afford, we can’t really let the moms of the world know that there is a better way. Mention cloth diapers to a room with 100 new moms, and maybe 10 would have heard of the Modern Cloth Diaper. The rest would think of pins, rubber pants, and stinky wet pails. The internet is full of niche cloth diaper communities, but we are preaching to the choir! They already know the benefits of cloth. The mom who watches your show every day doesn’t. She might recylce, buy organic food, compost, and drive a hybrid, and still use disposables. Why? Because she has no idea how easy they are. I have actually met people who are very green, and still use disposables for that reason!"
Help us out and follow the plan set by Dirty Diaper Laundry. When you tweet use @TheEllenShow and #clothdiapers and #operationfluffy in the tweet. Also if you want a chance to get a free diaper also include #rumparooz in your tweet. If Ellen features cloth diapers and Rumparooz is on her show, Rumparooz will give everyone who tweeted a free diaper!
So go out there and tweet and blog to hearts content. Spread the word about how wonderful cloth diapers. Cause the more people we reach the better. We can show the world how easy and even fun (yes I said fun) cloth diapering can be.