Well I had decided quite some time ago that I was going to participate in the Cloth Diaper Carnival VII- Newborn Cloth Diapering. Well the date came around to blog about my experience on this topic (which is really the only experience I have on the topic of diapering) and I forgot to write it on my calendar. So here is my very late (I feel really bad that I didn't blog sooner about it...so my apologies to my fellow cloth diaper bloggers) experience with my baby.
I guess it is confession time...I was thinking about cloth diapering even before I was pregnant...and I even bought some of my diapers. From the time we were thinking about having a child I was on the web as much as possible trying to find as much information as possible. To this day I have read tons of reviews and are still seeing if there are any other diapers I could add to my already larger stash (I have at least 30+).
We were on the fence about when we were actually going to start the cloth diapering. I had mixed feelings about the timing. The main reason was that I was due around Christmas so depending on the arrival date we would be visiting family for the holiday. Also I was delivering an hour away from our home. Not to mention that we were staying at a friends house for a couple days after the delivery so that the midwife could come visit us (in our province the midwives are employed by the health region and as such can not visit anyone that is not in the city at their home...thus I had to travel to the city for all my visits and for the birth).
Well it turned out we started cloth diapering (CDing) when my baby girl (Hannah) was two days old. I have to say that I was a little hesitant (given the reason above...and she was born on the 20th so we did visit family for Christmas) and it did take a few encouraging pushes from my husband to start then...but I am very happy we did. Hannah was born 7lbs 11oz but lost weight so when we started CDing she was 6lbs 14oz. She is now almost 4 months (wow the time flies) and weight 12-13lbs (I will post a revise when she gets weighed at her next visit to the public health nurse at the end of April)
So the newborn stash was as follows:
12 orange edged Green Mountain Diaper prefolds (GMD)
12 size 0 Kissaluvs fitted
2 x-small Thirstie covers
1 small fishnoodle cover
1 xsmall fuzzibunz
1 small dreameze All in One
fleece liners
3 snappis
I could go 2 days between washes which was perfect for our family. And once and awhile I would try a one size diaper which always did not go well....just not a tight enough fit.
I settled on using the GMD prefolds because of the wonderful reviews and the shipping to Canada was all added up nicely on their website (so you know roughly what it all will cost, there is usually duty on top of that at the border, however I didn't get charged any for the dozen orange and the dozen yellow edged prefolds I ordered). It came to maybe a few cents more then what I would have been paying for other prefolds...and for me I think they are worth it! I loved how the orange edged fit my little one and it was worth not having to go through sizing issues.
The kissaluvs size 0 are amazing diapers and I would say seriously consider these diapers especially if you are thinking about breastfeeding...I have never ever experienced a poop that this diaper can not handle. Not to mention they fit right at two days and had a nice notch to make sure it does not rub against the umbilical cord.
The covers I chose were based on reviews on the diaperpin...which again is were I based most of my choices. I love all three but I do reach for the Thirstie covers first; they have velcro vs the snaps on the fishnoodles. I seem to get a better fit on Hannah with the velcro. I would recommend that if you are going to buy the Thirstie covers go for the x-small. Hannah is no where near ready to move onto the small size, the range that they fit is quite large.
Now the dreameze and the fuzzibunz I barly used...only when I was getting down to the last of my stash and needed something to put on Hannah's bum till the rest were dry. So for me those were not a great buy. I just could not get as good of fit compared to the prefolds and kissaluvs.
I also loved using the fleece liners because it kept the wetness away from her bottom and helped with any diaper rash that might occur.
The verdict:
My husband loves the prefolds...he hates our other diapers thinks they are too complicated and not necessary (he knows how to fold a prefold...not so good at picking the right insert for the right pocket diaper yet...lol)
For me I loved both prefolds and the kissaluvs. It just depended on the day and what we were going to be doing. When I knew for sure I needed blowout control (ie we were going to be travelling or in public) I would use the kissaluvs. Other then that its just whatever was the closest to reach.
My biggest issue before Hannah was born was that I didn't know where to start or what to buy. For each review I found for a product I found just as many against it. I finally just had to take the plunge and buy what I thought was going to work for my little one. The other issue occurred about a couple weeks into the CDing. Hannah got a really bad rash (it didn't look like yeast) but it was quite red with a little open area and looked like it hurt. For that I had to break out the not-so-safe-with-cloth-diaper cream (penaten). However, I used fleece liner and only my prefolds (which was advice from the diaperpin forum that the penaten would not hurt prefolds...turns out they were right, no absorption issues after using it). I also started to give more naked time. Within a couple days the rash cleared up and has not returned (we do get red areas after waking from over night but gets cured with a little naked time)
Even with the few challenges before Hannah arrived I found that CDing a newborn was worth it. We never had to do late night runs for diapers (which would be hard cause we live where the only place that sells diapers that is open all night is Shoppers). We also did not have the dilemma of when to change her diaper so not to throw money away. We do not regret one bit to CD Hannah right from the start. In fact I think it might save us money because the shape that the newborn diapers are in they could be passed down to the next baby (and maybe even a third).
So what is happening now......
Well not much has changed except we had to move out of the orange to the yellow edged at around 2-3 months. The issue was more to do with absorbency rather then size...if I am in a pinch and forgot to put the laundry in I can still use the orange edged ones and Hannah can last up to 2 hours before I need to change her.
I still use the kissaluv size 0 with an extra layer of absorbency (larger stomach = larger volume of output) or just watch and change her after two hours. We are just now on the last snap...and I will be sad the day we have to put them away for the next baby.
I do use more pocket diapers cause she now is starting to fit into the small size...I have added two rumparooz, a grobaby, two apple cheeks size 1, two Goodmama Goodnights, and two bumgenius all in one. I do have 6 Goodmama one size diapers but I can not use them yet as Hannah's thighs are not chubby enough to fill out the diapers (but they are waiting in the wings when they are!). So as you can see some diapers (such as the kissaluvs) can extend well out of the newborn diapering period. It all depends on the size and shape of your little baby and you won't know that till you have him/her.
To everyone thinking of CDing their newborn (or is) I hope that my addition to the carnival was helpful. Good Luck!