Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fluffy Envy Giveaway!

I have been keeping my eye on the Fluffy Envy blog...a new to the blog world (started in July 2010). There is even a wonderful article on mama cloth! I have not been able to test out their store yet...but I hope to in the near future (my fluff money has run out for a bit...). I have heard great things about their costumer service.

Fluffy Envy's August promotion is out and when they hit 1,750 fans on their facebook page they are going to giveaway two prizes!
First prize is an AppleCheeks Little Bundle - in your choice of size and colour
Second prize is a Weehuggers cover - in your choice of size and colour

I LOVE my AppleCheeks...that is no secret so I will jump on any contest that includes them.
I love the fact that they fit so snug around the thighs...preventing any blow-outs. I also love the arrangement of the snaps...and they have amazing inserts!!! Nothing can beat AppleCheeks bamboo inserts and they are sooooo soft. That is one insert I don't mind using next to my DD's skin.

Now on to my new obsession....Weehuggers!
I actually haven't received my fluff mail yet...they are suppose to be in the mail next Monday! So all I can really comment is what I see on their website and what others have said. They are soooo cute! Who could resist those little mittens??? I can not wait to try them out...and maybe even do a review on here. Please check out their website and their cool new is sooo cute! Also, pass it on to your may just help spread the word about using cloth diapers (and it is quite a catchy tune too).

So if you want to get in on the action just head on over to the Fluff Envy Blog and follow the directions on how to enter.
Oh and don't forget to invite as many friends as possible to "like" them on their facebook page. They are only giving the prizes out if they reach 1,750 fans.
Good luck to everyone...and I am crossing my fingers that I win!!!

Lots of Bunny-Hugs!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How Many Is Just Right...

My little girl turns 8 months here in August and it is amazing how she has grown. She now can almost crawl (a commando style where she pulls her self along with her arms), can get to her hands and feet (with her bum in the air) and is developing a personality of her own. It is fun to see how she reacts to new things and is just starting to get into everything. It is amazing how she knows what I don't want her to play with as she seems to be attracted to those things.

However, with her turning 8 months my thoughts do turn to having a second child. At this time we haven't really set a limit on the number of children we want. It originally started out as 3 kids (as both my husband and I have two siblings) but for me the number changes every day. I do know that I would like to provide a sibling for Hannah so I know the number we want is more than one. I do like how compact that two children are (not the children themselves but the amount of stuff that you have to bring) compared to 3, 4, 5 or more. However, I see moms in the store with 4 little children toddling after them, it looks so cute. I know that in reality more kids are stressful and can be a money strain but I do think that there are some positives to a larger family.

So how do you know when you have hit the perfect number of children????

After a lot of thinking and searching the net for help I have narrowed down to a few questions that might help us decide....

What is the maximum age you want to be when your last child is born?
The chances of complication rises with age, as well as a decrease in fertility. Also do you want to be in your mid to late thirties and still be getting up with a newborn?
I am 24 right now so I think I have a little more leeway with the age issue. However, I would like to still be less then 35 when I am having my last child. Now, I don't want to say that people shouldn't or can't have children over the age 35 (my husband will be 38 at that point). For me and my husband it would be ideal if our children were at least in there 20's before I turn 55. That way we would have time to save for our retirement plus have a few years were we don't have children in University to support.
So for me it works out to being about a 10 year span that I would want my children in.

What age gap is right for you?
If you want 5 years between each, you want to be finished having kids at the age of 35 and you are having your first at 23. Then you really can only have two children...unless you alter one of the parameters...such as different age gap or your maximum age (cause if you already have a child you can't really alter your current age :D)
This one I really still struggle I will go into this in the next post (I have been doing lots of fact finding on what people are saying about the perfect age gap).

How many children can the place you live accommodate?
If you are not willing to move then your have to think about the living arrangement that you can accommodate. Would you have every child have their own room or would you want to double up in a room? I grew up in the same room as my sister and didn't get my own until she went to University (I was then in grade eleven). Eventually my hubby and I will be taking over the family farm where the homestead house has 4 bedrooms (other then the master room) plus there is room in the basement for at least two more bedrooms. So this really does not limit us.

Can you/are you willing to get a bigger vehicle if needed?
We have a VW GTI and a Chevy extended cab truck. We could squeeze three kids into the car but anymore and we would need a larger vehicle. My ideal situation would be to get a large SUV and keep my car for work travel. I don't really see this happening but I could always dream.

Can you afford childcare if both parents have to work?or is one willing to stay home?
I just signed my DD up for childcare to start in January of 2011. For an infant full-time is $500/month and a toddler is $450/month. Now I am not sure if there is a discount for the number of children you have in at once but it can get pretty expensive. I work as an RN and will be going back to work to help support the family when my husband starts to farm. My hubby would be able to parent on weekends, evenings, and nights but he has lots of farm work to accomplish. Plus, after the move there will be lots on his plate to figure out. So it is just easier for us if we can get our daughter into daycare.
I have also read online that with more kids eventually you do have someone who could look after the other kids. Now this also depends on your oldest child's temperament. Are they capable of looking after the other kids (and will the other kids co-operate with having a sibling babysit?)

I believe that the amount of children you have should be based on how many you can emotionally, physically and financially support.

The best piece of advice that I came across was on the website Family Education. At the end of the article about planning for more children it talks about being flexible. That the best idea is to have a "settle-in period after the birth of each child" and then you can "readdress the issue if more children". This is important because it "prevents you from finding yourself overloaded based on a random number you may have pulled out of your head long before your wedding night."
I think that is a pretty good idea.

or I could just take an online quiz and have it decide for you were wondering I did take several, and they usually said 3 or more....hmmmm didn't really help lol

Lots Of Bunny-Hugs