Saturday, September 4, 2010

Off To Work We Go...playing catch-up

Well not yet...but my maternity leave ends at the start of January 2011. This means I have to get ready and dust off my books to get reacquainted with nursing ones again. It will be 14 months since I have stepped inside a hospital or nursing home as an RN...which is a little overwhelming.

If everything works out I will be starting back in a .70 position...meaning I would be working 21 8 hour shifts every 6 weeks. This is more garunteed work then in my other position which is nice because I won't need to rely on picking up more shifts to make it to full time. This also means that Hannah will have a better routine and have less surprise trips to the daycare.

So how do I prepare to going back to work??

There is little to no information on returning to work as an RN from maternity leave. Which is odd because around 93% of RNs are female and in Saskatchewan you can take up to 18 months without losing seniority. So it is just natural that maybe your skills won't be as sharp as they were before the maternity leave started.

So what can I do so that I won't feel like a fish out of water? and how do I accomplish this while looking after a child???

Well, I think that the first question is going to be easier then the later. I still have my study book from when I was studying for my CRNE so that is a nice jumping point. Also I have a few other nursing pocket books that I think will be a big help, especially when it comes to pharmacology. For me this was the weakest point for my nursing career. I just was not very good at memorizing all the names. So I guess I will dig out my pharmacology book too.

So I know what books I should look at but what should I focus on??? It took four years to get through the RN program and that is a lot of information to get through.

Now when can I accomplish this "studying"? Well, I could do it while Hannah is having her nap...but I do like to save that for me time. Like checking my email, scanning facebook, and thinking up new blog posts (which I have several in the works...I just don't get around to posting them too often). But maybe I will have to give up some time in there if I want to feel safe and prepared when I go back to work. There is also the time after Hannah goes to bed.

So I have a plan...but will I go through with it??? Hopefully.

Lots of Bunny-Hugs

p.s. if anyone has any tips on ways to organize a ton of information please let me know :D

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