Monday, March 28, 2011

toddler wearing - the shopping trip for my first SSC

Before I went shopping for a carrier there were a few suggestions that I picked up from
First - take a happy baby (well fed and well rested)
Second - If it is not a floor model it may be stiff if you have to use it out of the box

Third - Yes some carriers have wonderful bells and whistles but the most important thing is the fit, if it doesn't feel right no amount of bells and whistles will help this.
Fourth and finally point if you don't like it take it back and find something that does work.

Now I tried my best to follow the wonderful advice they gave but the hardest was the first. I had to drive an hour and a half which made for one well rested baby (she slept the entire way) but then it was lunch so I had a well rested but very hungry baby, sigh. So we went for lunch (with one of my best friends that I haven't seen in a very long that wasn't too bad). But when we were done I had a full but tired baby, sigh. But I drove 1 1/2hrs!! I really really need this baby carrier! So we went anyways and it was slightly successful...I did end up with a baby carrier but I am not sure if it is "the one". I managed to try on three, the Beco (butterfly II and gemini) and freehand. Hannah co-operated...mostly. I do feel quite happy with my choice but if it doesn't work out I do have 21 days to return it.

But drum roll please....I chose....

The Beco Gemini!!!

I had a really hard time choosing but I loved the fact that there were four ways to wear this carrier. That way if Hannah doesn't take to a certain carry I have several others to use!

So now I have a carrier the next step is to actually use it, keep your eyes open for a review soon!

Lots of Bunny-Hugs!

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