So I came into quite a bit of garlic a few weeks ago after I did a cooking special with a few of my friends (LOVE the book The Big Cook). My friend had a bucket (literally a bucket) of minced garlic that we used instead of mincing each clove. Which with the amount we needed (104 cloves) would have taken forever.
My friend offered for me to take some, so here I am with a ziploc bag full of garlic. Now I love to use it in my cooking but there is no way I can use this garlic up in time, and I am sure my hubby would start to wonder why our fridge smells so "weird". Not to mention that it was starting to make my other foods smell and have the slight taste of garlic. I like garlic but would like that smell and taste limited to only certain foods.
So I decided to try to freeze the garlic, but the problem with freeze a liquid (or in my case minced garlic) once it is frozen in a large quantities it is hard to break/thaw just what you need.
So here is my cup trays!
I learned online that about 1-2 tsp of minced garlic equals 1 clove so that is what I put into each cube.
It took about 2hrs for the garlic to harden enough so that I could pop them out like an ice cube. I then placed them in a ziploc bag and back in the freezer.
So there you have it, and easy way to store already minced garlic!
Lots of Bunny-Hugs
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