Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm back!

Well, here I lay (almost midnight) thinking for the umpteenth time I really need to get back to my blog. Then I received an email from a reader (wow are people even reading anymore since I have been so neglectful to them?)

Well last time I left you I was in the middle of a great book that was going to help me with the birth of my second child. Well I got through most of the book...but I really don't know if the techniques would have worked for me as it turned out my labour was very fast. But I guess I should start from the beginning...

My hubby and I decided to attend a grain grower conference right before my due date. I was excited at the chance to go into labour while up there. Mostly because it would make the drive one our verses two hours if I was at home.
Here is me 39 weeks + 4 days at the conference.

So on January 5th (3days before my due date) we went on a tunnel tours with the other conference attendees. For those who don't know about the tunnels of Moose Jaw I will set a link up when I get a chance at the computer.(here is the link to tunnels of Moose Jaw, we took the passage to fortune tour)
This was our sweet ride (on a very crisp night) to and from the tunnels.
The tour is A LOT of walking and I am now going to recommend it to all those who want to induce their pregnancy. Because at 2am on January 6th my contractions started!

So I started to pack up our stuff we had out around the room. Thinking that if this was false labour they would stop after moving around. Well around 3am I decided to wake hubby as the contractions were 5min apart lasting for 1min. We phoned our midwife and arranged to meet at my sister-in-law's like planned. We got to my sister-in-law's at around 5am and my midwife arrived some time before 530am. By this time my contractions were very painful and about 3-4 min apart. After being checked by the midwife wife (i was 5-6 cm dialted, 80% effaced) we decided to head to the hospital.

Now on the way the contractions got horrible! I had a hard time thinking, back pain was awful...but I LOVED the heated seats (wonderful for back labour).

My hubby helped me to the emerg door and then parked the car. The contractions were now really close together (for example i had one going through the emerg doors and then a few feet away had another at the emerg desk). I checked into emerg at 550am.

I arrived on the labour and deliver floor at 6am. After that everything is a blur, I was offered pain medications once (gas I think) but I remember being confused by the question (I assume this was when I was in transition). My hubby got to the room just in time to help me through some a few contraction and then I was ready to deliver my baby.

At 6:26am my daughter Maisey Linda arrived into this world. 

Maisey Linda - January 6th 2012, 8lbs 1 oz
So what have I been doing all this time?

Well I have been trying to adjust to being a mom of two...a lot harder then what was in my fantasy. I can't believe that SAHMs manage to get out of the house with more than one child. There are a lot more schedules to co-ordinate (timing naps, feedings, diaper changes, going to the potty etc). We are now getting more into the swing of things and I hope that I can get back to blogging and starting up my sewing business. But I plan on doing that all in baby steps. 

Thank you for staying with me through this unscheduled hiatus.

Lots of Bunny-Hugs!
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