Thursday, November 12, 2009 ashamed

Well....I did it...I became one of "those" people...I broke down and purchased my first Goodmama diaper.

Not saying that they don't look like amazing diapers...or that they won't be awesome. (well I don't know about function yet cause my model has yet to make his or her appereance)

It is all because I told myself I would't give in...that it was all why would I want to try them. Well that is when i fell in love with two of their one diapers (The Western One and The Spotted One). Then my favorite fabric from the Fabric Shoppe was made into a diaper (Grass Menagerie)...then it went downhill from there.

I had to make the shipping worth it right?? Well that is what I told I ended up getting OBV Good.Night!; Yellow Good.Night!; Chocolate serged; Butterscotch serged; and Spring Green serged. (I will point out that I saved money because I got three serged diapers at the same time...which also makes me feel better)

But that is it! I can not get anymore Goodmama Diapers...well not until my baby is born...cause maybe they won't be the best fit. So back to ignoring their too tempting website...well unless I happen to be by the computer and bored. I do still follow them on live.journal....which may not be a good thing. So tempting.... ashamed.

p.s. Did I mention that I am on their custom diaper list...I send in the fabric and then they make me some fitted diapers out of it with input from me (colour of inner fabric, snaps etc.). However, I am waaayyyy down on the list so I suspect that I won't have my custom diapers till next December. Which is good...cause I should know whether the diaper style works for us by then.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

way too long since my last post...

Well, it has been quite awhile since my last post...

I guess I can blame that on work and trying to get my research done for CDing. There is soooo much information out there to weed's amazing!

Well I have settled on a couple things so far. I have decided I will give fitted and wool covers a try. I have purchased from a couple WAHMS and online stores. So far I have Royal Bunz pull-up soakers (one small and one medium), Luxe Baby longies (SM), Baby Luxe pull-up soaker (SM), and a Kiwi Pie Peels pull on soaker (medium).

As for the fitted diapers I am most excited to try out the OS Bamboo by Kiwi Pie.

So now an update...

I have had another Ultrasound and everything looks good! I have been seeing my Dr and Midwife...started as every 4 weeks, now at every 2 weeks...then mid November it will be every week.

Other than that just have been trying to take it easy at work....though I am concerned about the H1N1 spread (as I am an may be in close quarters with people infected with it). Hopefully I will be on holidays before the real wave hits.


p.s. I will try to compile a list of all the current diapers I have that way I can do a review on each one when the baby comes.

Here are pictures of the covers
I plan on posting these pictures by the change table with a note
"Dear Dad,
If my diaper cover looks like this please do not put in wet will shrink in the wash cause it is wool.
that way my husband knows what is wool...cause he will not remember.

Royal Bunz small pull-up wool cover

Royal Bunz medium pull-up wool cover

Luxe Baby SM wool Longie Cover

Luxe Baby SM wool pull-up cover

Kiwi Pie Peels medium pull on cover

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dr. Visit and first ultrasound

Well I have my physical and prenatal blood work on Monday (May 11th) and then off to the big city (lol...where I live we are a "city" but I got in faster for U/S for some reason in the city close to us) on Tuesday (May 12). I also will be delivering there so it's no big deal to drive an hour for a U/S when I will be doing it while in labour (I will be explaining this more in a different post). 

I am kinda looking forward to the U/S rather then the physical. I guess being able to see your in utero child is more exciting and even possibly less painful...I was informed in my last visit that I need a pap test as my last one was last summer. 

Not to mention if I don't see multiple in the U/S I will not be staying with my GP but transferring to a midwife rather then a OBGYN. My GP is fine with this, was kinda odd that she mentioned that she was going to book two separate appointments with an OBGYN to "make sure everything was still going smoothly". I didn't make anything of it but I will talk it over with my midwife to see if this is necessary. I will be having two U/S this one and at 20 weeks so maybe that will be enough. But it doesn't hurt I guess to long as they are not anti-midwife. I worked in the postpartum at that hospital as a grad nurse and have run into several Dr. and Nurses that are anti-midwife. So I just hope that they don't make excuses to want to change me over from my midwife care. I guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

Crossing my fingers hoping everything will go good!


Monday, May 4, 2009

More Fluff Mail & AppleCheeks Contest!

Well I just got home today from a nice trip to Winnipeg....and what did I find in the mail!!!! Fluff!!! I was really excited to get home from the post office to open the box. I found the most perfect diapers inside. I now have another 2 small and 2 medium Fuzzi Bunz. Not to mention another AppleCheeks diaper! I am sooo excited for December (again) so I can try them out.

So this leads me to my second part of my post. The AppleCheeks. Now I can't say how they have worked for little guy/girl is still in utero...but this is one part of my stash that I am REALLY looking forward to. I have bought (so far) 2 envelope covers (Cherry Tomato and St. Lucia) and bamboo inserts. They are soooo soft and the leg elastics looks like it will hold up. Not to mention I have googled pictures of babies in AppleCheeks and they all look so cute in them. I have heard very positive reviews from diaper pin (very good place to go for reviews) and from my supplier ( out of Okotoks Alberta). So if you have any comments (pros or cons) please leave them here I would love to hear more from those who have used them.

So I guess the final reason I am posting is to tell you about the wonderful contest being held by Diaper Style ( They are giving everyone four ways to enter (blogging being one of for an AppleCheeks starter kit...and as you can see I am really excited and would love to win! I would also like to point out that besides this contest Diaper Style has lots of information that you should check out. Search their site and you might learn some pretty cool things!

So get out there twitter, blog, comment, and facebook your way to winning!


P.S. the link is

Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Post

Well, this is my first posting as the cat is mostly out of the bag. My husband and I are expecting our first child in December of this year! I also can fess up to the fact that I am a cloth diaper addict and I don't even have a child yet to diaper. I started researching cloth diapers when we decided that we were possibly ready to start a family. I have since purchased 12 size 0 Kissaluv fitted, 4 covers, 1 OS Happy Heiny, 1 OS Bumgenius, and 1 OS Fuzzi Bunz. I then added a couple weeks later 1 Applecheeks size 1 and 1 Fuzzi Bunz size xsmall. I am also now waiting on 4 Fuzzi Bunz (size small and medium) and another size 1 Applecheeks. I can not wait till we can get started using them. I have also purchased Allen's detergent to wash our diapers (which I have started doing the prewashing) and maple sugar design wet bags...they have a nice snap handle to go on a towel rack.

I am already planning my diaper stash so that I have some of each but not too many so that if we don't like them or they don't work for us it is not a complete waste of money. I am think I will get some Berry Plush AIO, Dream Eze, Organic AIO Bumgenius, and more of the Applecheeks, Fuzzi Bunz, and Bumgenius.

I am looking forward to this new part of our life...I am sure I will keep you posted!